Post a Secret
I've become a serial blogger!!!! I just can't resist that 'Next Blog' button - it's absolutely stupid, but extremely addictive. The UPSIDE to all this though is that I have found some fan-tast-ic blogs - several listed on my main page; please check them out - and also found insight and helpful advice from fellow bloggers.
I guess its a natural extension to the people-watching I do when I'm out and about generally, but its also becoming a form of therapy for me, in that general sense that I see (read) more and more that there are more people like me than I ever thought.
Darn, and I thought I was unique, and the only person on the planet with these problems, fears, worries, loves.. you get the idea.
Anywho, I've just added the 'Post a Secret' site to the list - I've not been that moved for some time.