The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Saturday, March 19, 2005

So we're clearing the loft

and, there hidden under all these boxes in the corner was the Lost Ark of the Covenant. Not your flea market imitation or art-deco reproduction, but the real thing! Bloody heavy and quite bulky, but luckily it just fitted thru the loft hatch.

So we get it into the garden and polish up the outside. What a remarkable piece of craftmanship! None of your cheap, mass-produced muck, no sir! Hand-crafted panels, beautiful gold leaf on the carved figures, and a well-fitting lid. Which was nice.

Well, we took the lid off and bugger me if the thing wasn't full of old papers! We just started to read them when suddenly there was all this ball-lightning and 'hand-of-god' stuff coming out of the box. The street lights went out and neighbourhood dogs started yelping. I told the wife not to look at the light, but does she ever listen? Of course, next thing you know, her eyes started to melt! Right there in front of the kids! There was wailing and sobbing, and obviously, no supper. Dash it all, I was looking forward to a nice bit of fish.

Anyways, we put the lid back on and took the whole thing to the scrap-merchants. Got £25 for it too! He thought he had a bargain, but the jokes on him cos we're not even religious!


Blogger Unknown said...

Sure it wasn't Pandora's Box?

10:02 pm  
Blogger T said...

Well you could be right, but I thought I recognised the thing from that well-known documentary presented by some archeologist in a Fedora and Leather Jacket; Strange fellow. Went every where carrying a Bullwhip? ;-)

9:44 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Da, da, da da, dum dum dum....I think I know that guy...didn't he end up frozen in some liquid metal in space?

5:24 am  
Blogger T said...

Yep! thats the bloke. Had a complete career change, and went all 'Space Pirate'. Strange taste in partners though, went from dating large were-bears to ladies who thought training wheels as hair accessories was a good look?
Happy Easter!

9:58 am  

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