Back in the States again..!
...and I'm so tired I can't think straight to write! After all this time away tho I thought I'd post something just so y'all would know I'm still here.
Don't know it sticks in my mind with all the news that has happened but I watched the live broadcast of the shuttle doing its balletic backflip so they could take photos; that was amazing - watching this small craft doing that manoevre against the backdrop of a blue planet whizzing past at 5 miles per second. wow. aren't we insignificant in the big scheme of things
Welcome back! Hope you are in an areaa that is not besotted with humidity and high temperatures.
Funny you should say that...I'm in Arizona so I've got the 100+ temps but apparently '...its a DRY heat'!!
Oh, sorry dude! My co. tried to relocate me to AZ. No waaaay man. No way! It's a nice place to visit but if you're not a lizard and cold sucks.
Good restaurants tho.
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