The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Been in Germany...

...on a training course for work. We were staying in a hotel without internet hook up, hence no bloggy-poos all of last week! So I have a lot of catching up to do.

The trip was ok-ish; good food ( wild boar - yummy! ) and VERY good beer. Oh, and the training went ok.

Favourite Trip-Tracks whilst sitting in airport lounge / plane
Jem - Flying High
Damien Rice - Cannonball
The Shins - New Slang / Those to Come
Ian Dury - What A Waste / Reasons to be Cheerful
Moby - Extreme Ways
Evanescence - My Immortal

Favourite Trip-Film whilst sitting in hotel room drinking aforementioned beer:
High Fidelity
Bourne Identity
Cheers - Series 1


Blogger paintergirl said...

You're just the traveling man. And the yummy beer, i'm jealous. Good for you. I love High Fidelity too. oh and dogma is the only movie that I can handle damon and affleck. have you seen Team America yet?

8:49 pm  
Blogger T said...

oh yes; I like Team America - excellent! that would make a better series than South Park methinks...

10:04 pm  

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