The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

My Photo
Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Monday, May 23, 2005

This was the plan...

Originally uploaded by silat0166.
but as it turns out, my youngest isn't well today ( too much of my eldests birthday cake yesterday!!) so I'm 'working' from home. As you can see, I've already done a whole days blog - I mean work - and so I can afford to take a tea break and check my mail and blog.

Poor thing's looking less green so we may try some toast later...

Friday, May 20, 2005

The One Word Meme (From Marybishop / LB)

Okay how this goes is you choose one word and one word only to describe different aspects of yourself and/or your feelings. It’s hard to do actually but here goes:

What is the one word you would use to describe your appearance? Relaxed
Favorite body part? Arms
Least favorite body part? Nose
Most often complimented on? Bum
Most often criticized for? Sulking!
Your romantic relationship? ?!
Your relationship to your parents? Better
Your feelings about parenting? Challenging
Your hobbies? Varied
Your favorite personality type for a friend? Trustworthy
Favorite personality type for a spouse or lover? Understanding
Favorite type of movie? Sci-Fi
Favorite cuisine? Homemade
Favorite treat? Chocolate
Favorite gift? Techy
Most sensitive “unusual” erogenous zone? Park(!)
Favorite pet? N/A
Subject of blogging post that got the most hits? Relationships
Feelings about memes? Incisive!
I tag everyone who comes to this blog, as well!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

If I could be...

This came to me via PainterGirl. The rules are simple; when you're tagged. Choose 5 items from the list to write about. Tag 3 other people when you're done.

If I could be a scientist I'd invent an aftershave that really worked and DIDN'T sting After you Shaved!

If I could be a farmer
If I could be a musician

If I could be a doctor I wouldn't waste my life playing Golf. I'd probably do a 'Carter' and work with Red Cross somewhere.

If I could be a painter
If I could be a gardener
If I could be a missionary
If I could be a chef
If I could be an architect

If I could be a linguist, I'd be a Cunning one...!

If I could be a psychologist maybe I'd finally understand the Human Condition...

If I could be a librarian
If I could be an athlete
If I could be a lawyer
If I could be an inn-keeper
If I could be a professor
If I could be a writer
If I could be a llama-rider
If I could be a bonnie pirate

If I could be an astronaut I'd Hijack the shuttle once we were in space, and explore 'new worlds and civilizations...' until the food ran out anyway

If I could be a justice on any one court in the world
If I could be married to any current famous political figure
If I could be a world famous blogger

I tag - PaperMerc, Random Acts... and Bandick.

How about a Nice Cup of Tea?

I don't want to reinforce a stereotype, but I do like my cups of tea; 1st thing in the morning its gotta be strong and sweet. Then the one as soon as I get into work - no sugar this time, cos I'm 'aving breakfast ( actually dunking biscuits, so no point in putting sugar in ). Then usually its hourly after that, unless someone else offers to make some too.

I piss like a fire hydrant, but the walk to the toilets is the only exercise I get at the office.

A nice brew of your standard supermarket own brand is fine by me. None of your girly, perfumed Earl Grey ( Sorry Picard ) or Lapsong doo-dah nonsense.

And yes, I do have my own mug at work - It was a Dilbert one replete with comic strip, then a big German Tankard-type thing, but these have been lost or smashed over time. Currently its one of those 'Thermos' mugs but the tea tastes all 'plasticy', so thats going to the back of the tea cupboard.

If I can get this Flickr / Picasa picure hosting thing working ( no luck so far ) I'll post my next mug-shot. Hey!! I made a funny. Mugshot. Get it?

Friday, May 06, 2005

The 6 billion to one chance...

A comment from Paintergirl got me thinking again about the whole 'One True Love' thing, (in)fidelity, and this whole issue regarding finding the one person to share the rest of your life with.

Given that there are approx. 6 billion of us on this planet, I think we can start off by saying that there's going to be at least TWO people in the world who would be the perfect partner. So the real issues are why, how and if we should stay monogomous.

Obviously we have both camps well and truly voiced in the world of blog, and probably around every water cooler in every office in the world! Leaving aside the religious and social aspects of the debate just for a second, the 'whys' come down, in my simple-minded, male-bias opinion, to hurting the people around you as opposed to making others happy ( usually a much smaller number ) and the guilt levels of either course of action. " The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one" as our pointy-eared friend once stated.

The 'how' ( assuming this route is chosen ) really depends on whether this is an affair ( of any duration ) or a life-changing decision to move forward with a new partner. 'Discreetly' would be my advice for the former, and 'slowly' I guess, for the latter. Overly-simplistic advice, you may think, but this isn't meant to be a treatise on the subject, and too often, because of the stresses, emotions and frailties of these situations, the people involved forget that its not just them in this scenario.

I suppose the 'if' really could be the result of the previous two; If the 'formula' is correct, you get the explosion, else you just stay on the bus, having just smiled at the person who caught your eye, and got a larger-than-expected smile back. And a number...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Its gonna end sooner than greater

I love Birthdays!!

So, Wifeys birthday over the weekend; A lovely day to be had by all. In theory. She enjoyed the day, which is always top priority on this day and rightly so. I make sure the kids have picked and written cards, wrapped their pressies to mom (you can just tell when a child has wrapped a pressie and it makes it that whole lot more special).

We had a great day, babysitter, restaurant thing ( starter with brightly coloured cocktails, and then straight to dessert!! - superb ) followed by the cinema to see 'Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' - What a classic and the film almost lived up to its heritage.

But then, the tiredness, colourings, overexcitedness, etc all take their toll and the rows start. Over stupid things, as always. You try to calm it down, say nothing that would make it worse, but that makes it worse (Some aptly named inverse law applies here).

I hate birthdays...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Good to be back (?)

There's always a sense of a different life when you go away; Whether its business or pleasure, if you're travelling alone, I find two things happen: Firstly, all the problems of your real world fade into the background or certainly seem less relevant. Secondly, you have more scope to 're-invent' yourself, to become the person you always wanted to be. Whether thats just a different trait, such as patience, aloofness, arrogance, etc or a whole new persona, such as brain surgeon ( you're getting the idea right ?) you have this opportunity in your temporary new environment as no-one knows you.

You can play and practice these things knowing you'll probably never see that grocery clerk or concierge again. Sure, it can be done in your home town, but in a different land, with no familiar people around ( like friends or family ) it becomes much easier.

Also, I found that my real world faded into the background. Sure I missed my wifey and kids, but all my current everyday problems were 'on-hold'. This was a subconcious act which I only realised was happening 1/2 way thru a text message back home. Maybe its a protection mechanism to allow me not to worry about how things were 4000 miles back home.

It is good to be back, but I miss those other freedoms that this kind of seperation can bring.
I s'pose, if I had a therapists hat on, I should be tryng to explore these ideas in my everyday constant environment so that I may become a better person.

I'll let you know...