The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Good to be back (?)

There's always a sense of a different life when you go away; Whether its business or pleasure, if you're travelling alone, I find two things happen: Firstly, all the problems of your real world fade into the background or certainly seem less relevant. Secondly, you have more scope to 're-invent' yourself, to become the person you always wanted to be. Whether thats just a different trait, such as patience, aloofness, arrogance, etc or a whole new persona, such as brain surgeon ( you're getting the idea right ?) you have this opportunity in your temporary new environment as no-one knows you.

You can play and practice these things knowing you'll probably never see that grocery clerk or concierge again. Sure, it can be done in your home town, but in a different land, with no familiar people around ( like friends or family ) it becomes much easier.

Also, I found that my real world faded into the background. Sure I missed my wifey and kids, but all my current everyday problems were 'on-hold'. This was a subconcious act which I only realised was happening 1/2 way thru a text message back home. Maybe its a protection mechanism to allow me not to worry about how things were 4000 miles back home.

It is good to be back, but I miss those other freedoms that this kind of seperation can bring.
I s'pose, if I had a therapists hat on, I should be tryng to explore these ideas in my everyday constant environment so that I may become a better person.

I'll let you know...


Blogger Unknown said...

Either that, or just enjoy the momentary escape you had and try to retain the things you most enjoyed in freedom you found during your trip and encorporate those things into your daily life at home. Glad you got back safe and sound. Sorry you had such crappy weather.

So, how's it being back in Australia? (haha/ j/k)

4:24 pm  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Amen! I know we keep referring to Lost in Translation, but I always like the scene where Bill Murray is talking to his wife, and he's telling her he wants to eat more healthy foods when he gets back home. More rice, less pasta. You can tell in her voice that she is agreeing to whatever it is he wants, in the hopes he comes back home. I did not reinvent myself on my trip, but I did have enthusiasm when I came back home to get a bunch of things done. And what has happened? I'm back in a rut.

6:15 pm  
Blogger T said...

Hey LB; Thats good advice, and yet harder to put into practice. There are certian things I'm always trying to incorporate into my daily life but, and I know I'm not alone in this, there are other 'bits' that only certain see, or more to the point, that are hidden from certain people. This is fine if its emotional stuff you don't want work colleagues to see, but not so good if its friends et famille, non? ( btw, whats the French for 'Deja Vu'?)

11:02 pm  
Blogger T said...

Hiya PG - You know, after all these viewings, have I missed the point of Bills realtionship with his wife? I figured from all the phone conversations, that she was just agreeing becasue she had heard it all before, and didn't really need him around ( He also admits to the same thing in the film ). His confusion over their relationship comes to a head when he takes the call in the bath and says 'I'm lost...' I figured that whole thing was about where he stands in the relationship, rather than where he is in his life generally, altho that is also another theme of the film - GoshDarn it, I'm just gonna HAVE to watch it all again.. ;-)

11:07 pm  
Blogger paintergirl said...

You know you're right about being lost in the relationship, but I also think he's lost in life as well. I think he believes his wife doesn't need him, but she does. She is probably used to running the house, taking care of the kids, and so on.But the movie isn't about his wife. He feels neglected and changes need to happen for him. I guess it helps/hurts him even more when he meets Charlette. He is able to reinvent himself, like you said and maybe perhaps they are meant for each other, but the circumstances are not right. Have I told you my theory about relationships? I think there are a handful of people out there in the world that are compatable for everyone. It just depends on the situation in which you meet, and whether or not it's the right time. Maybe it's a past life/future life. I'm not positive about that.

3:17 pm  

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