The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

How about a Nice Cup of Tea?

I don't want to reinforce a stereotype, but I do like my cups of tea; 1st thing in the morning its gotta be strong and sweet. Then the one as soon as I get into work - no sugar this time, cos I'm 'aving breakfast ( actually dunking biscuits, so no point in putting sugar in ). Then usually its hourly after that, unless someone else offers to make some too.

I piss like a fire hydrant, but the walk to the toilets is the only exercise I get at the office.

A nice brew of your standard supermarket own brand is fine by me. None of your girly, perfumed Earl Grey ( Sorry Picard ) or Lapsong doo-dah nonsense.

And yes, I do have my own mug at work - It was a Dilbert one replete with comic strip, then a big German Tankard-type thing, but these have been lost or smashed over time. Currently its one of those 'Thermos' mugs but the tea tastes all 'plasticy', so thats going to the back of the tea cupboard.

If I can get this Flickr / Picasa picure hosting thing working ( no luck so far ) I'll post my next mug-shot. Hey!! I made a funny. Mugshot. Get it?


Blogger Unknown said...

Do you need assistance w/flickr, my tea loving buddy?

12:36 am  
Blogger paintergirl said...

It is so very British isn't it? Have a cuppa? My hubster questions why I have never caught on to drinking tea. I'll admitt I've been an angliophile since I was very young (part Mary Stewert books, part BBC shows on PBS) I just like the taste of coffee better. And this is why Ray Davies will never fall in love with me.

7:29 pm  
Blogger T said...

Thanx LB - I need to fiddle a bit more I think, when I get time, but I'll let you know...

10:05 pm  
Blogger T said...

Ray Davies will never know what he could have had...

10:15 pm  
Blogger paintergirl said...

and now he has a metal rod in his leg. he should have been drinking coffee with me and not chasing robbers.

8:33 pm  

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