The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

My Photo
Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Fuck off, I'm British !!

You Americans have got to be the worst guessers of accents!! I am NOT Australian for Fucks sake! Didn't you get Lock Stock... over here? and do I sound like Sean Connery? No? Well I'm not bloody Scottish then, am I. You must have seen Mary Poppins in your life; I know it was a crap cockney accent (or Mockney as we call it) but that should still give you a bit of a clue.

Any ways, its nice to be back here catching up with old friends and work colleagues I normally only speak to on a phone. Bloody hard work tho'; so much to cram into a short visit, but good fun. And the weather's just like home! How thoughtful of you. Yes I know what the Sun looks like. i've seen Nature programmes...

This time difference is killing me tho'. I feel like Bill Murray from 'Lost In Transalation'...
Must go, got some real work to do. Talk later.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Life has been mad this week

So I'm sorry for not posting anything for so long. We're moving part of the business a couple of miles down the road in a few weeks, and theres so many project teams doing so many things to make this happen. We seem to lurch from one fire-fighting meeting to another, where most of the time all you're hearing is why its not someones fault that a deadline slipped, rather than what they're planning to do to catch up!

Anyway, on top of all this I'm off to the U.S. for a week this Sunday to see how our parent company do things - happy days!! I've not been over there for a couple of years so it'll be nice to catch up with people, and get some shopping done ( $2 to the £ - Fan-Tast-Ic !!). Plus also, you guys are so nice to us Brits! I think its a combination of the accent, James Bond and our help in the Gulf War thing, but its great! All these invites to dinner, trips, beer-fests etc

The only downer to all this is the 17 hour door-to-hotel room trip with my boss; thats going to be bad enough - I have a feeling only one of us is getting off of the plane alive! Just to make it all the more agonising, he's decided that the 9 hour plane journey would be a good opportunity to do my annual review!! - Like thats going to be a two-way conversation on a cramped plane, with my laptop full of films and music to while away the hours, and the alcohol & pain killers I'll be taking for the headache I'll no doubt get from the BOREDOM OF FLYING!

On the upside, Last week, our destination had an unseasonal heatwave, and this week? Yep, Snow, rain and freezing temperatures... The Brits are Coming! It'll be just like home...

Hopefully I'll be blogging from that side of the pond, connections permitting, so I'll keep y'all informed.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Phones as a weapon (nod to Ricky Jay 4 the title)

I saw you before you put your hand in my pocket.
I saw you before you walked across the concourse just behind me.
I saw you before you got up from the bench.
I saw you before you scanned me as a mark.
I saw you before you even got up this morning.

In case you forgot what I said as I broke your nose with the payphone, if I see you lifting around here again, I'll break your FUCKING fingers.

Get some ice for the nose... chump

How was your day at the office?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

CP work

So, one of the other parts of my 'normal life' is a part-time bodyguard / close protection officer. You wouldn't think it to look at me; fairly average height, slim, average looks. 'Its always the quiet ones' as me old mum used to say. I'd post a piccie, but then it wouldn't be anonymous now, would it!

Anyhoo, it kind of happened accidently many years back as an offshoot of my being a martial arts instructor. One of my students had more money than sense and decided they needed to be looked after whilst out on business ( all legit, I hasten to add; no riding shotgun for pimps, smugglers or dealers) and it kind of took off from there. Since then, I've seen some nice places, looked after some nice people and had to do some un-nice things, but these are VERY rare. As anyone in the trade will tell you, its 99% boredom walking just behind your client, on constant but relaxed look out for any trouble that may occur.

Back in the day, my old day job was flexible enough to take time off, but now, and with young family, I don't do much CP'ing; I do enjoy teaching the occasional seminar now and again tho' for friends who run their own CP or BG companies.

It'll get harder too, once Iraq has 'stopped' (like that'll ever happen; people seem to forget Northern Ireland, or more recent military action / occupations) there'll be a flood of 'em all back in the UK, looking for work.

But I do take on the occasional 1-3 day tasks. Money is handy, but its mainly a holiday from the day job.

This is a roundabout way of apologising for not blogging these last few days, but I've been a bit busy. It was boring as usual, but theres always that constant relaxed buzz of not knowing what'll happen next. The downside is not sleeping for a few days after, cos of the adrenalin anti-climax, and going back to the day job. But you get to appreciate what you've got in life, after the epiphany that some people could lose what they have in a second...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Go make this NOW!!!!

Yes I'm a male who likes cooking. And? What? You gonna make fun of my pinny?
So anyways, haven't made much for a while, and thought I'd make some banana bread and a stuffed chicken thing for my friend who's coming over later.

Then, just happened to wander over to 'Mindful Things' Blog, whilst catching up on my cyber pals, and m'Lady has had the good grace to post a mouth-watering recipe for meatballs and gravy! ( You see, some people in this world are just 'givers' )

The way L has written this, you can sense the enjoyment and passion for cooking in each word!

This promises to be a life-experience, not a meal, so I'm off to the supermarket and I'd advise you go do the same!!!

I'll let you know how it 'pans' out! Har-dy Har..I'm so kills me... really-I'm wasted here...

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bloggers Block building...must be witty...clever...Cap'n she's gonnae blow!!

So this says absolutely nothing other than this.

At least it's sunny.

Friday, April 01, 2005

'By Mutual Agreement'

So we're trying to go 'cold turkey', this person in my 'other life' and me. Its bloody hard, not least because she is a work colleague, but also we've known eachother for a few years as good friends, before it got to this stage, and so we still chat and share and mix in the same crowd ( who have no idea whats going on, thankfully ).

Keep singing 'Its a Motherfucker' by the Eels, in my head. Haven't been able to get rid of it for about 5 days now; How bizarre? Well, actually no, cos it just seems that yet again, a song lyric has captured a piece of me so perfectly, with minimal effort / lyric .

Anyway - progress check - the cold turkey is going well so far. We're kind of checking with eachother like when a friend stubs their toe- 'Are you sure you're OK?' - that kind of thing