The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

CP work

So, one of the other parts of my 'normal life' is a part-time bodyguard / close protection officer. You wouldn't think it to look at me; fairly average height, slim, average looks. 'Its always the quiet ones' as me old mum used to say. I'd post a piccie, but then it wouldn't be anonymous now, would it!

Anyhoo, it kind of happened accidently many years back as an offshoot of my being a martial arts instructor. One of my students had more money than sense and decided they needed to be looked after whilst out on business ( all legit, I hasten to add; no riding shotgun for pimps, smugglers or dealers) and it kind of took off from there. Since then, I've seen some nice places, looked after some nice people and had to do some un-nice things, but these are VERY rare. As anyone in the trade will tell you, its 99% boredom walking just behind your client, on constant but relaxed look out for any trouble that may occur.

Back in the day, my old day job was flexible enough to take time off, but now, and with young family, I don't do much CP'ing; I do enjoy teaching the occasional seminar now and again tho' for friends who run their own CP or BG companies.

It'll get harder too, once Iraq has 'stopped' (like that'll ever happen; people seem to forget Northern Ireland, or more recent military action / occupations) there'll be a flood of 'em all back in the UK, looking for work.

But I do take on the occasional 1-3 day tasks. Money is handy, but its mainly a holiday from the day job.

This is a roundabout way of apologising for not blogging these last few days, but I've been a bit busy. It was boring as usual, but theres always that constant relaxed buzz of not knowing what'll happen next. The downside is not sleeping for a few days after, cos of the adrenalin anti-climax, and going back to the day job. But you get to appreciate what you've got in life, after the epiphany that some people could lose what they have in a second...


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, No Worries Mate. We're thinking of you and hoping you're doing well and of course missing your witty banter.

I hope that CP work is safe. I'm not sure I approve...I mean it sounds wicked cool and very compelling but, I just don't know. Are guns involved? What sort of martial arts?

Do you always have your back to the wall, facing the door and all that?

Sounds a little like the Secret Service in the US. I used to know a guy who did that job. He had a "cover" job. Are you like that? Maybe you shouldn't say, b/c if you told me you'd have to...ah well...anyway.

I hope you're eating well. If not visit my site for another recipe. I think you'll likey!

Be safe!

9:51 pm  
Blogger T said...

Hi Lauren! Its fairly safe most of the time. No guns allowed as this is the UK after all, and I work in the private sector rather than for a government agency. Its definitely NOT James Bond stuff! You can carry in certain countries abroad, but its still difficult depending on who your working for. Yes, if we're in Restaurants or hotel lobbies, etc our backs will be facing the wall if possible, but it all depends on the situation and how many are in your team. Walkabouts are different again.
Read you other recipe - sounds scrummy!

7:19 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi T: Glad you live in UK. Here in the USA it's like the wild wild west. Guns abound and even and especially the criminals can have at them. (Although I think I saw guns in "lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels"...) =)

PM: I'm with you. I just want to bang on de drum all day.

2:26 pm  
Blogger T said...

Day jobs definitely suck! hence the 'hobbies' I have. Interesting you should mention 'Lock Stock...' cos thats normally the biggest worry on any CP detail; the nutter with a weapon, whether its a knife or gun ( common in certain areas of UK where drug dealers abound). The 'Joe Public' with an attitude is more of a threat than any real security threat. Thats why a good CPO or CP team try to be 'low key' Last thing you want is to bring attention to yourself and your client. Madonna / J-Lo are you reading this!!

11:56 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know when I go out and about I tell my homies and entourage to stay on the D.L. I don't want none of that up in here! Know what I'm sayin'? =) Fo shizzle.

7:11 pm  
Blogger paintergirl said...

Ok-so you love to cook, love Elvis Costello, used to teach martial arts and now you are a CP. You are killing me over here T.

7:24 pm  
Blogger T said...

Hey PG - Did I mention I'm gay? Just kidding, but thats how MY life would go; You meet the perfect person, and they're married, gay, or deeply into politics/religion. Life sucks sometimes... ;-)

12:09 pm  

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