The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Extreme Ways

I must confess to a moment of weakness but BEFORE you panic, I have NOT fallen off the 'wagon'.
I've had a REALLY crappy time at work recently, basically my manager is a complete COCK and for some reason has decided to focus his 'Seagull' Management skills on me ( thats where you swoop in, drop loads of shit, then fly off again whilst you clean up the mess ). Normally I can handle this, as he shares his 'wisdom' with 3-4 of us managers, and we all support eachother.
However, even they were suprised by his current relentless 'carpet-bombing' of (de)-motivational techniques on me, and me alone. Again, normally wouldn't bother me, but its been emotionally hard elsewhere recently, so I'm in a depression so low you could slide me under a door.
Then, to cap it all, the person I was close with for a little while hit me across the face with a verbal brick; in one of our now normal conversations ( aren't you proud of me, making it this far and doing the right thing?) she mentions that her boyfriend is taking her to see Katie Melua later in the year for her birthday. a) Boyfriend?? b) 'Our' Song!!
This hit me HARDER than it should have, I know, so I managed to pull myself out of that wreckage of a conversation with most of my dignity intact, took the rest of the day off and sulked about the state of my life generally.
I then posted the David Gray song, because thats how she used to affect me, before you guys helped me to my senses, to see if it would act as a release. It did not. So more sulking and now we're hitting the 'Absolut' in the freezer.
So the following day at work, she finds me and immediately apologises for her insensitivity. (Obviously didn't hide my feelings that well, then!) I apologised for my reaction - I have no right to do that, etc - and after that blip we seem to be back on an even keel.
Now I just have the boss to deal with. And theres me, all out of golf clubs to 'retrain' him with...


Blogger paintergirl said...

Very proud of you! Vodka in the freezer, yep we do that too. Not allowed to have too many shots though. Being that we're not really Russian and our bodies can't take that sort of abuse.
How's it going with the boss? Is he the same boss that gave you a review on the airplane?

7:04 pm  
Blogger T said...

Ah yes, the very same.
And thanks for the support; It may sound silly, but it helps knowing theres people out there willing you on to do the right thing. We've never met, yet the views, ideas & opinions of yourself, Lauren and all the others make a difference... Thanks !

10:39 pm  

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