The 40's

The vague and in the main unimportant ramblings of a near-40 year old in the middle(?) of his normal life, with his normal family, normal job and hopefully normal thoughts, hopes and fears. Amuse yourself for a few minutes as you're passing thru the web by catching a glimpse of my journey from 'Tough and Ruthless' to 'Rough and Toothless'

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Location: United Kingdom

I'm great, only not. You'll see...

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Panic, Chaos & Disorder; my job here is done...

A quickie to let you know that:

I am still here - in mind, spirit and body, which is a first for a while. Yay me...

I'm VERY excited 'cos I got two tickets to see the EELS at the Royal Albert Hall in October !!!

laters... ( what does that mean? )

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Back to Kabul

So my best friends back in Afghanistan, after a brief 10 day holiday back home, which comprised of him getting married, having a VERY short honeymoon, and being called back a day early.

He looked very well and actually very relaxed, which was nice to see. Where he is ( in the North ) is relatively safe compared to Southern Afghanistan, and to other theatres he's been in previously. Almost a walk in the park...

In other news, 'we're just Ordinary People' (John Legend) is on the radio - what a great track.

You know when you get that thing when you feel you're the ONLY one in the world that has the problems you do; and then an overheard conversation on a plane, or a song lyric ( Like Coldplay - Fix You !!) plays & you know its not just you?

Doesn't help for long does it..?

Thursday, August 04, 2005

And now, over to our correspondent in Boston...

So thats it, the meeting is over and my vacation starts... NOW! - Went to a Diamondbacks game last night against the Houston Astros - Saw Clemens give a Home Run away (Apparently thats a BAD thing, according to my guide, but this is only my 4th game), and as we came out of the game , we had a monsoon!! I had to drive back, as I was more used to this weather than my Californian host / driver who has never aquaplaned in a vehicle before!
And tomorrow, I fly to Boston to meet my wifey for our long-awaited honeymoon, after 4yrs marriage 22 yrs together, kids, mortgage, etc. I don't tend to do things 'linearly'... Should be good fun, despite the recent Air France crash that makes flying that bit more nerve-racking than it needs to be. Thank good training that all the passengers and crew got out alive.

Monday, August 01, 2005

..Yeah, but its a DRY heat.

So I'm currently in Arizona on a big meeting / conference thing. 100 degrees +, but hardly any humidity, so its like being in a dry sauna. It's actually not that bad; back home its obviously much cooler, but with a higher humidity which I think is much more uncomfortable.

We've had some time to explore, so we've 'done' Sedona for a day which is amazing - I'll post some piccies when I get back home ( not for another 9 days ) - almost got to the Grand Canyon, but thats a story I'm not sharing at the moment, so don't even ask.

Just about to head off for a 'Cowboy Cookout' - I guess thats Arizona talk for a barbeque? I'll let you know...

Got a few more days here, then its up to Boston for a few days vacation! Can't wait for that!